Gill’s encouraging, positive engagement with the girls brings out their individual best. Her excellent skills as a coach, mentor and communicator brings the players together as a team creating supportive friendships and attitudes the girls will take with them into the future. She has each player’s best interest at heart and the knack of finding the fun in hard work. Approachable and caring, Gill is a truly inspirational and selfless individual that we feel privileged to know.

Anneliese and Jo

My training the past few weeks have been intense and challenging and has made me push myself more and more each week. With the fitness and skills I am learning new things every session. All the hard work is showing during my games and is making me a stronger and smarter player.

Gillian is one of a kind! My daughter was lucky enough to have her as her netball rep coach for two years. The great thing about Gillian is that although she may coach netball and fitness, she also considers in a holistic way, the whole wellbeing of the player/person she is training – whether it is physical, mental or emotional, Gillian adjusts the training program as needed for the individual. The confidence and support the players feel because of this style of training is immense. Gillian gives her all and is passionate about giving her ‘clients’ the skills to achieve their own personal best in the field of netball and fitness. Thanks Gillian – you are just wonderful!


I was always afraid of fitness and personal training. I didn’t want to be judged on my appearance and ability and all my experience in gyms just fueled this fear. I met Gillian 2 years ago and began what was to become the hardest, most amazing journey of my life. Gillian’s approach to training is 100% personal. She takes the time to really assess you and get to know you and your goals. Her sessions consistently focus on obtaining your goals and the friendly, encouraging nature of her delivery really diminishes the ‘boot camp’ and ‘military’ ideology of fitness and training. The trust you need to have in a trainer is invaluable as they see you at your worst and push you through that. I trust Gillian implicitly and have been my best self, physically and mentally since working with her. Thanks G, for all your support!

Rebecca Gordon

HUGE thank-you for coordinating and to The Club for investing in this initiative. I learnt a great deal, thoroughly enjoyed the fitness and was super doopa impressed by the talented (and funny) Gillian. Please send my thanks and appreciation.
I started netball in year 9 and never had much coaching outside of the games so to have the opportunity to focus on netball skills and netball-related stretches/cardio and warm ups was fantastic. I learnt a great deal in the weeks the training was offered.

Linda Low, West Pymble Netball Club

I have been training with Gillian for over 3 years now. Gillian always helps me achieve my goals with not only the training aspect but the support and tools I need to live a healthy lifestyle and reach those goals quicker! Gillian is a talented trainer and a beautiful person inside and out, she is the most positive person I have ever met! She always pushes me to do my best and tailors each session to suit me, keeping it interesting and not without variety! She has so much knowledge in all aspects of fitness and health and I just love picking her brain! She has taught me to have confidence in myself and to trust my capabilities.  She makes me laugh during every session – even after a bad week, I always leave Gillian with a smile on my face. She helps me feel healthy both in body and in mind. I cannot recommend Gillian highly enough.  It will only take one session for you to see what I see! Exercise should be fun! And with Gillian, IT IS!!!!

Jessica Bracey, Castle Hill

The results I have achieved are largely due to Gillian’s perfect combination individualised exercise programs & challenging yet achievable goal setting. Her professionalism, extensive knowledge and enthusiastic commitment to her work and ultimately her clients, provides the perfect scenario for success and for a new healthier lifestyle!

Kate Smith, Hornsby Heights

I have trained with Gill for 5 years. I love that we train outdoors in the fresh air and our sessions are always fun and varied, from netball workouts, boxing, hill sprints and weights. I can honestly say that Gill had changed me into a leaner, stronger me.

Debby Kuzmanovic, Kenthurst

Yay, we both thank you for making the sessions always fun and interesting. I am NEVER bored, ALWAYS keeping us on our toes. Every session is different except when we ask to repeat certain sessions. You are also super dedicated to our cause not just there to pass the time. LOVE YOU GIRRI

Gabrielle Pritchard

Hey Gill, thank you so much for coaching me. I’ve learned so much- becoming both a better player and person. You’ve really held this team together and we all really appreciate the time you dedicate to training us.


G, thank you so much for everything. I know I can be a massive pain in the ass, but you pushed me to do my absolute best, which I sincerely appreciate it.

Holly Baldwin

To our dear Gill, How lucky we have been to have you. Lessons in Netball and in life. You are a real star. Thank you for sharing so much with our girls.

Marion Fagan

Gill, you are an incredible coach, very passionate, firm and fair. It was great to see the girls improve so much under your guidance.

Cliff Bayne

You are an amazing coach, tough but kind, compassionate, encouraging and fun. The girls are very privileged to have you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Jeya Bayne

Dear Gill, Thank you so much for your dedication to coaching, all the passion, encouragement, we’ve been so lucky to have you.

Love the Joneses

Dearest Gill, Thank you, thank you, thank you for EVERYTHING you’ve done for my girls. It’s been lovely to watch them develop as a true team.

Emma Tingay

Dear Gill, Thanks for being an amazing coach. You have taught me so, so, so much. Thanks for coming to my games, even if you had something else on or were injured.

Love Nic

G, you are an inspiration and super awesome. Thanks again,

Love Tahls

I wish I could start this season all over again!

Love Alicia

Thank you for coming to every game and training, supporting everyone along the way.

Love Liv (Mighty Mouse)

You’re the best coach I’ve ever had. Thanks for believing in me from the start.

Claire Ross

G, Thanks for all the great coaching, especially all the tough love.

Hannah Green

G, You’re a cracker of a coach.

Ellie Kierath

Thanks for an amazing season- I’ve enjoyed it so much, you’re honestly amazing.

Rebecca Davis

G, you win the award for my favourite coach at Pymble, I will miss you dearly.

Ruby Lucas